
How to make it

  • Stir together flour, salt and spices.
  • Cream butter and sugar together well then add in the sifted flour mix and blend well.
  • Stir the soda into the buttermilk and add into the mixture and stir again.
  • Add eggs one at a time mixing well after each then add the jam and mix in thoroughly.
  • Bake in three greased and floured cake pans for 30 minutes.
  • When cool frost in between layers and sides and top of cake.
  • To make frosting boil brown sugar, sugar and milk until syrup forms a soft ball in cold water then add butter and cool to lukewarm.
  • Beat until thick and creamy.

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  • michelle73 16 years ago
    This sounds so delicious! I'll be trying it out.
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