Bonzo Stew
From jo_jo_ba 16 years agoIngredients
- 1/2 cup dried chickpeas shopping list
- 1 carrot, quartered shopping list
- 1 celery stalk, quartered shopping list
- 3 large sprigs parsley shopping list
- 1 cinnamon stick shopping list
- 2 bay leaves shopping list
- 1 1/2 cups water shopping list
- 1 1/2 large sweet onions, sliced thinly shopping list
- 3 cloves garlic, minced shopping list
- 1 tbsp white wine shopping list
- 1/2 tbsp tomato paste shopping list
- 1/2 tsp paprika shopping list
- 1/2 tbsp curry powder shopping list
How to make it
- Place chickpeas in a bowl, cover by 2" with hot water. Cover and soak 12 hours. Drain, discarding liquid.
- Combine soaked peas, carrot, celery, parsley, bay leaves, cinnamon stick and the water in a pot.
- Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer, covered, 1 1/2 hours, until tender.
- Drain, reserving cooking liquid and chickpeas separately. Discard vegetables and aromatics.
- Heat 1/4 cup water in a deep skillet.
- Addd onion slices and cook slowly until browned, about 12-15 minutes. Add water if necessary to prevent burning.
- Add garlic, cook 2 minutes further.
- Stir in chickpeas and white wine, cook 5 minutes, stirring gently.
- Pour in the reserved cooking liquid, add tomato paste, paprika and curry powder.
- Bring to a boil.
- Reduce the heat and simmer covered for 10 minutes.
- Uncover pot, and cook 10 minutes longer.
- Serve hot over beds of brown rice, couscous or baby spinach.
People Who Like This Dish 2
- goblue434 Anniston, AL
- jo_jo_ba Oshawa, CA
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