Octopus Hot Dogs
From elfingirl 16 years agoIngredients
How to make it
- You will need to cut each hot dog, starting about 1/2 way up the hot dog.
- Make a slice through the hot dog, then turn over and make another slice through the hot dog.
- Place in sauce pan and bring to boil. Boil until hot dog is fully cooked and the "legs" have separated.
- Remove from sauce pan with a pair of tongs and place upright on plate. We try to make ketchup eyes on the octopus, but sometimes they slide right off.
People Who Like This Dish 3
- karlyn255 Ypsilanti, MI
- flo1 Old Bridge, NJ
- trigger MA
- mrtnzangel8 SW, MO
- chefelaine Muskoka, CANA
- crazeecndn Edmonton, CA
- donman Hammond, LA
- elfingirl Oakland, IA
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The Rating
Reviewed by 6 people-
FIVE to ya! :+D
chefelaine in Muskoka loved it
Great idea!
You need to check out my Monkey Stew recipe for the kids :)donman in Hammond loved it
I do this for the girls...alot of fun, nestles nicely on a bed of mac n cheese. I think I have a pic somewhere...if I can find it I'll post it. :)
mrtnzangel8 in SW loved it
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