
How to make it

  • Cut out the stems and core out the chilis ( tip of a vegetable peeler works great here) leave just enough whole to fill pepper
  • Combine all the ingredients for the stuffing and mix good
  • Stuff the peppers with filling and thread onto small wood skewers ( I always soak my skewers in water for awhile so as no to burn) be sure to keep filling side up.
  • Grill over a medium heat for about 5 min. or until hot keeping the filling side up. These don't take long at all, don't walk away!
  • Like I said before this is what I would make just for the 2 of us on a regular evening, definatley want to double or triple for company.
  • Enjoy!

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    " It was excellent "
    gagagrits ate it and said...
    Wow I would have never thought of this...:)
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    " It was excellent "
    chef_irish ate it and said...
    Great Recipe....High 55555's
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    " It was excellent "
    crabhappychick ate it and said...
    What a simple and yummy sounding crab recipe! What lucky guest!
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    " It was excellent "
    chefelaine ate it and said...
    Great recipe, Dooley! Thanks, and FIVE! :+D
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