
How to make it

  • Cook linguini first according to package directions. When it's done, coarsely chop it (I use kitchen shears).
  • Finely chop garlic and parsley. Coarsely chop fresh basil. Slice mushrooms in to thin vertical slices.
  • Heat olive oil, butter, 1 Tablespoon white wine, and 2 Tablespoons clam juice from one of the clam cans together over medium heat. Add garlic and cook for about four minutes.
  • Add mushrooms and cook until soft and done.
  • Add fresh basil and cook for about 2 minutes or until it wilts.
  • Add parsley, salt, white pepper, 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper (or just a couple shakes), 1 teaspoon dried basil, and 1/4 cup white wine.
  • Add the canned clams, one drained and two with the juice. Simmer on low to medium heat until you see the first bubbles (NOT boiling, just bubbling) and then immediately take it off the burner.
  • Toss the chopped linguine with the finished sauce in a large bowl.
  • Garnish with parmesan cheese and serve immediately.

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