How to make it

  • Combine first 6 ingredients in a bowl
  • Add ingredients 7 - 12 while stirring
  • Batter will be thin
  • Add batter to two greased round floured cake pans
  • Bake at 350 degrees for 25 - 30 minutes.
  • Let cakes cool.
  • To make the cherry filling, combine the pie filling, sugar, and liquor in a bowl.
  • When the cakes are cool, take them out of pans.
  • Cut the top off of one cake so it has a flat top to stack easier.
  • put cherry filling and a ring of whipped cream between the cakes so that the stick together.
  • Put the cherry filling in the center of the top of the cake and ring with whipped cream.
  • Spread whipped cream on the sides of the cake.

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