
How to make it

  • Make sure jalapenos are halved and seeded.
  • May need to wear rubber gloves when doing this to prevent burns.
  • Stuff each half with cream cheese and wrap with a half piece of bacon.
  • Cook in pre-heated oven at 350 degrees until bacon in done.
  • You can adjust this recipe to make as many or as little as you need.

Reviews & Comments 4

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    " It was excellent "
    trisha6341 ate it and said...
    DO wear gloves or you will burn your eyes et...if you touch them the rest of the day. I know this from experience!
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  • hahadumb 16 years ago
    i call these Ratones. they look like rats. ;D
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  • jewelryparty 16 years ago
    These are so yummy! I'm going to grill them tonight and add a little ceddar cheese in with the cream cheese. I also discovered strong toothpicks are a must!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • binky67 16 years ago
    Saved! Anything with Bacon and Cream Cheese has to be good!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag

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