
How to make it

  • So you'll need to get smoked ham ribs, your local butcher will sort you out, but you may end up having to invest in the loin (not a bad thing)
  • Taking just the pre-smoked ribs give both racks a good rub with the garlic clove
  • Rub them down with the sugar, salt, and pepper and either let them sit in the fridge over night or get ready to cook 'em.
  • I prefer them at about 350 until the meat starts to seperate itself from the bone. I've also done them in the slow cooker for about two hours with a little bbq sauce and amber ale.
  • When they're done you are left with a great combination of ham-like juiciness and bacon-like smoked pork flavor. It's awesome and really its an after thought to the meat from the loin.

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  • astoutyeoman 16 years ago
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • 22566 16 years ago
    Interesting,like the slow cooker,in the summer.

    Thank-you for the recipe.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag

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