16 years ago
- 2 TBS salty meat tenderizer (like Adolph's) shopping list
- 1 TBS garlic powder shopping list
- 2 TBS ground paprika shopping list
- 1 TBS marjoram shopping list
- 1 tsp. ground caraway shopping list
- 1 tsp. thyme shopping list
- 1 tsp. fresh-ground black pepper shopping list
How to make it
- Combine all ingredients well.
- Store in an airtight container.
- Rub pork chops or roast well all over and chill for 1 hour before cooking.
- When barbecuing, rub meat with oil before applying seasonings.
- Keeps indefinitely.
People Who Like This Dish 3
- sitbynellie Glasgow, GB
- glbaskin Nowhere, Us
- hollyeats Shaftesbury, UK
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