How to make it

  • Combine sugar, milk, butter, and salt in medium pan. Bring to a boil. Allow to boil for 1 minute. Remove from heat. Stir in vanilla, peanut butter, and rolled oats. Stir until mixture begins to stiffen a little. Drop onto foil, wax paper, or cookie sheet into round clusters.

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    " It was excellent "
    zanna ate it and said...
    My grandson will enjoy these.Thanks, have a great day!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    michelle73 ate it and said...
    Definitely a 5! These are so good!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    henrie ate it and said...
    Very good recipe, I've also done these with chocolate rather then peanut butter. Love them. Another 5
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag

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