How to make it

  • If you buy veal cutlets that aren't breaded then you need to use bread crumbs and eggs.
  • Take the veal cutlet and dip into beaten egg.
  • Take out of egg and then put into bread crumbs and cover completely.
  • Put Veal cutlet into fry pan that has hot olive oil in it and fry to brown each side.
  • Lift up veal cutlet and pour in the marinara sauce all over the bottom of frypan.
  • Put the veal cutlet on top of sauce.
  • Take grated mozzarella cheese and cover veal cutlet.
  • Put lid on frypan and turn it down low to just have mozzarella cheese melt.
  • Then take veal cutlet out and onto warm plate. Pour marinara sauce either on side or over.

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