
How to make it

  • Place hot water and yeast in a huge bowl, add sugar, poppy seeds, mixed grains, let it cool
  • Add whole wheat flour, egg, all purpose flour, salt and butter, mix well.
  • Knead until dough is very smooth and doesn't stick to your hands or bowl.
  • Cover with a damp cloth and let rise until double or triple.
  • punch down and knead again until smoth
  • let the dough rise again, When doubled, punch down again
  • cut dough in half. on a floured table roll each dough as this as you can sprinkle chopped cheese evenly
  • roll dough into loafs(with cheese inseide), let it rise again,
  • brush thesurface of the loafs with water
  • bake for 30 - 40 mins

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  • rosemaryblue 17 years ago
    Great recipe! Love whole grain home-made breads!
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