
How to make it

  • Saute the sliced mushrooms in a small skillet with a teaspoon of oil until slightly tan. Bring 4 - 6 quarts of water to a boil with 1 tsp. of salt. Add pasta and cook until al dente. Drain and put back in pot. In a saucepan that will hold at least 4 cups, mix flour into the rest of the oil until smooth. Cook stirring constantly for several minutes until sauce tans just slightly. Add almond milk a little at a time stirring to combine completely. When you first start adding almond milk it will look like mashed potatoes, that’s okay! Keep adding almond milk a little at a time until completely incorporated. Then do the same with mushroom broth. Mix seasonings in to sauce and taste. Add more seasonings is needed. Mix sauteed mushrooms and tuna into sauce. Add to pasta. Cover and let sit 5-10 minutes.
  • For vegan/vegetarian casserole, skip the tuna and add a cup of cooked peas instead.

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