
How to make it

  • Heat seeds in a skillet over medium heat until fragrant. Cool.
  • Grind to a powder in a coffee/spice grinder.
  • Grind a couple tablespoons of rice in the grinder to clean out any oils from the cumin.
  • Re-purpose a spice container for the freshly ground cumin.
  • Keep a seed supply to freshly grind the cumin for best flavor.

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  • mbelisle 9 years ago
    I agree that freshly ground is much more fragrant and in my opinion more flavourful. I often do a small amount - enough for the recipe I am making - by using a very small non-stick pan to heat the seeds. I tip them out on a cutting board and use a pastry roller to crush them. A rolling pin would work too or use a mortar and pestle as they are very easy to crush and then scrape the ground spice straight into whatever you are cooking.
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