
  • 2 pounds ground round/beef (what ever blend you like. I use 80/20)* shopping list
  • * Alternately this can very easily be made with ground chicken or turkey or even vegetarian by using vegetarian crumbles. shopping list
  • 1 can regular chicken gumbo soup shopping list
  • 1 can regular tomato soup shopping list
  • salt & pepper to taste** shopping list
  • ** Alternately this is dish is subject to improvisation to individual tastes. I have added fresh chopped fresh garlic, jalapeno, blackening spice, horseradish, etc. shopping list
  • Hamburger buns shopping list

How to make it

  • 1. In a sautee/sauce pan over medium high heat brown the beef until no longer pink, and drain well
  • 2. Add both cans of soup, undiluted and mix well back over medium high heat.
  • 3. Simmer while stirring occasionally until reduced and thick enough to serve on a burger bun.
  • 4. Enjoy!

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