
How to make it

  • Fill Crock-pot 3/4 full with peeled, cored and sliced apples.
  • Add the remaining ingredients and stir until evenly mixed.
  • Cover and cook on low setting overnight or until the butter is of a thick, spreadable consistency.
  • If apple butter has too much liquid, remove lid and cook on high until thickened. Stir often as butter thickens to prevent scorching.
  • Mash Apple Butter until chunky or smooth with hand held masher or blender.
  • Store in refrigerator for up to 6 weeks. Freeze for longer storage or can in jars with water bath processing.
  • Variation: For a less sweet apple butter, substitute 1 cup honey for the sugar.

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  • MissouriFarmWife 10 years ago
    My husband is ready for me to try this - he loves apple butter and a crock pot version is perfect! I will be trying this soonest.
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  • NPMarie 11 years ago
    I love apple butter, thanks for sharing!
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