
How to make it

  • If serving with rice or noodles, start these before starting the Stroganoff.
  • Brown the ground beef. Drain.
  • Add garlic, salt and pepper, 2 TBLS flour, and 1/4 cup butter. Stir together. Let it cook for about 5 minutes stirring occasionally.
  • Add chicken (or beef) broth.
  • Into a jar, put 2 heaping TBLS flour and cold milk. Tighten lid. Shake until flour is mixed and there are no lumps.
  • Pour the flour/milk mixture into the pan with the beef and broth slowly. Stirring constantly while adding. (Keeps it from forming lumps.)
  • We usually add more liquid to make it go buttermilk, milk, or water. (about 1 cup)
  • Cook until the gravy thickens. (about 5 minutes) If it's not thickening, you may want to add a little more flour.
  • Right before serving, add sour cream and heat just until hot. Serve over rice, noodles or toast.

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