
How to make it

  • fry hamburger in a medium kettle until fully cooked and drain the grease
  • add the entire can of beans to the hamburger
  • squirt in some ketchup
  • add some brown sugar
  • mix throughly bring to a boil then serve
  • You want this just a little bit on the sweet side if it is too sweet add more ketchup if its too sour add more brown sugar there really is no measurements for how much ketchup or brown sugar you need its made to your liking so feel free to experiment and its never the same amount of each either. I know i've tried.

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  • mandymoore 12 years ago
    This is my mamas baked beans recipe, except she adds bell pepper,onion and mollasses
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  • NPMarie 12 years ago
    Simple yet, oh so good!!!

    Welcome to GR!
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