Munchupa Recipe By Curtis Rose
- Time 4hrs to 5 hrs slow c
- Serves 25
How to make it
- Add water to cover meats (Cook on Medium Heat for 45 Minutes to 1 Hour)
- Add 16-18 Cups of Water (Fill to thoroughly cover Meats)
- Add 6 Vegetable Bullion Cubes (Add for Flavor)
- Add 1 small can of Tomato Paste (Best to add when broth comes to a boil)
- Add Bag of Dried Samp contains 2 lbs (Purchased from
- (You must soak overnight in open container)
- Add 2 lb bag of Chopped Butternut Squash (Purchased at BJs)
- (Potatoes or sweet potatoes could be substituted)
- Add 2nd Onion at this time
- Reduce Heat and Cook for 45 Minutes to 1 Hour
- (Remove Salt Fat at this time as it floats to surface)
- Add 2 Cans of Butter Beans (or you can purchase dried butter beans)
- Add 2 lb bag of Chopped Collard Greens (Purchased at BJs)
- For Best Results (Cook Greens in separate kettle to maintain crispy-ness of Greens)
- Let Simmer on very low heat for 15 to 30 minutes to absorb Beans and Greens
- Remove meat from Neck Bones and discard bones (Cool Down for 1 Hour and Serve)