How to make it

  • Primavera:

  • Take broccoli out of freezer to thaw in a colander in the sink.
  • Slice carrots and bell peppers in thin 1-2" lengths; slice mushrooms and chop a bit; dice onion and mince garlic.
  • Heat 3qts water with 1 Tablespoon salt; add pasta when boiling.
  • In large skillet, saute onion in 1 Tablespoon olive oil till just soft then add carrots and bell peppers with another Tablespoon of oil.
  • Add peas and mushrooms and cook a little longer.
  • !!!! Make sure to UNDERCOOK vegetables, very important!! If they're all getting soft, turn heat off under pan.
  • Drain rotini when done.
  • Sauce:

  • Saute garlic for 3 minutes in 2 Tablespoons butter then melt in rest of butter.
  • Pour 3/4 cup into primavera, spooning most of garlic in as well.
  • Pour all but 2 Tablespoons of remainder into drained rotini and stir.
  • Optional Chicken:

  • Chop chicken into half-inch pieces.
  • Saute in remainder of garlic butter sauce with a Tablespoon of olive oil and a dash each of seasonings.
  • Drain if necessary then continue to fry chicken until just beginning to dry out and show a few crusty edges.
  • Add a bit more garlic powder and stir. Combine with primavera.

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