
How to make it

  • 1.Wash and soak black beans in water for a minimum of 3 hours to overnight in the refrigerator.
  • 2.In a pot add the black beans and 5 cups of water. Boil on high for about 15~20 minutes or until water is reduced by half.
  • 3.Add ½ cup of soy sauce, 5 tbsp of corn syrup, and 2 tbsp of brown sugar. Substituting the corn syrup in place of sugar or honey is acceptable.
  • 4.Reduce to medium and cook for another 20 minutes or until the liquid is almost gone.
  • 5.When cooled, refrigerate in a glass or plastic tupperware. Serve cold or semi-chilled as a banchan side dish.
  • *To save cooking time and make for easier digestion, the beans should be pre-soaked a minimum of 3 hours to overnight in the refrigerator. When ready for use, rinse clean under cold water several times.
  • **This healthy side dish can be stored for up to a month in the refrigerator, so it is wise to make enough that will last at least several weeks.

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