Turkey Meatballs
From karinjo 13 years agoIngredients
- minced turkey meat (approx. 177 oz.) shopping list
- 1 egg shopping list
- dry onion soup shopping list
- dry wheat bread shopping list
- milk shopping list
- bread crumbs shopping list
- parsley shopping list
- salt, pepper shopping list
How to make it
- Pour some milk over dry wheat bread and let it absorb.
- Mix together meat, egg, onion soup, bread, salt, pepper and chopped parsley if you like it.
- If it's too sticky, keep adding bread crumbs until you're able to shape meatballs the size of a small fist.
- Dry onion soup provides the perfect taste so you don't need additional spices.
- Flatten the meatballs and fry them on both sides.
- Taste great with mashed potatoes and stewed carrots.
People Who Like This Dish 2
- sugarmama Chicago, IL
- cookiewoman Convoy, OH
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