Chocolate Mousse Cake
From rkallay 14 years agoIngredients
- 1 cup sweet butter shopping list
- 1 cup sugar shopping list
- 1 tsp vanilla shopping list
- 8 oz. semi-sweet chocolate shopping list
- 8 large eggs, seperated shopping list
How to make it
- Melt chocolate in microwave (2 min), stir. Cool.
- Beat egg whites 'til stiff.
- Put butter, sugar, vanilla, chocolate in large mixing bowl; beat 'til smooth.
- Add yolks, one at a time, to chocolate/butter/etc mix.
- Beat 15 minutes medium (25 minutes low) with mixer. (Yes, that long!)
- Mix whites into chocolate-yolk mix; beat til creamy
- Grease (butter) bottom only of 9" springform pan.
- Pour 1/4 batter in pan; reserve rest (covered but not refrigerated) bake cake 30 min at 325 F.
- Let stand 'til cool.
- Spread thin layer raspberry jelly/jam on top.
- Pour remaining (uncooked) batter on cake. Refrigerate until ready to use. Can freeze. (Suggest minimum 8 hours to let it set.)
- Unmold and serve. If desired, grate chocolate (or add raspberries) onto top.
People Who Like This Dish 3
- travelengal Nowhere, Us
- clbacon Birmingham, AL
- ttaaccoo Buffalo, NY
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