
How to make it

  • Slice the oranges in half. With a reamer or orange juicer, juice the orange. Then, take a spoon and work your way between the remaining fruit and the rind. Be careful not to pierce the rind. Scrape the inside of the rind until all of the fruit and membrane have peeled away.
  • Now, slice the fruit as you’d like for the candy. You can make strips, squares and other shapes, or you can leave the orange cut in half to create the candy cup. (A note on the candy cup; turn the peel on its side and slice a small amount from the bottom to create a flat surface. This will help the cup stand on it’s own and for the candy process to sweeten the bottom of the rind.)
  • Now, place the orange slices in a cold pot and fill with enough water to cover. Bring to a boil. Remove the orange rind from the water and repeat three times (cold water, boil, remove) to remove the bitterness of the rind. (This may seem time consuming but it’s quite easy.)
  • In a pot, place the water from the recipe above and turn the burner to medium-high. Add the sugar while stirring and then add the corn syrup. Allow this mixture to come to a boil and then reduce to a simmer.
  • Add the orange rinds to the simmering water and sugar mixture; make sure the rinds are submerged. For candy strips, simmer for one hour. For candy cups, simmer for 1½ hours.
  • Remove the candy (no longer rinds) from the mixture when the time is up and lay them out on a cooling rack.
  • One at a time, drop them into the bowl of sugar and flip them around until completely covered with a thin coating.
  • (Do the same with the candy cup.) Set each candy to the side and allow them to cool and dry completely.
  • You’ve just made orange candy. If you made the orange candy cup, add a scoop or two of gelato with a sprig of mint and a few orange candy slices on top, to create an elegant and delicious dessert.

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