Fudge Coconut Flan
From shirleyoma 14 years agoIngredients
- Beat together: shopping list
- 1 can coconut milk shopping list
- 1/3 cup splenda (baking sugar) shopping list
- 4 large eggs shopping list
- melt together an blend: shopping list
- 1 cup good chocolate chips shopping list
- 1/3 cup whipping cream (not whipped) shopping list
- Blend chocolate with milk/egg mixture. shopping list
- on stove top and shopping list
- cook until med brown: shopping list
- 1 cup regular sugar shopping list
- 1/3 water shopping list
How to make it
- pour into 9 inch pie pan and cover bottom and let cool till hard.
- pour mixture into cooled pie pan.
- oven set at 325 use water bath. cook til slightly giggly about 45 min.
- cool in Frig. about 3 hours.
People Who Like This Dish 6
- glbaskin Nowhere, Us
- dutchie326 Parker, PA
- lowcountrycook Mt Pleasant, SC
- clbacon Birmingham, AL
- ttaaccoo Buffalo, NY
- oylander Ottawa, Canada
- shirleyoma Cove, OR
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