
How to make it

  • Poaching method:
  • Poach or put fish in boiling water with lemons and ginger in shallow frying pan.
  • Boil about 10-15 min. or until done.
  • Drain and place on platter.
  • Sprinkle soy sauce, sesame oil, sliced lemon or lemon juice, grated ginger, and fresh coriander.
  • Microwave method:
  • Place the fish in a microwave safe dish; pour soy sauce, sesame oil, lemon juice, grated ginger, fresh coriander on top; and microwave until done.
  • It usually only takes about 5 minutes depending on how thick and how many fillets are used. After 5 minutes, I use a fork to see if the fish is flaky. If it is not flaky, cook it a little longer.

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