
How to make it

  • Microwave chocolate and milk on high for two minutes.
  • After one minute stir to keep from burning.

Reviews & Comments 9

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  • hello_itsme 15 years ago
    I uploaded a picture but it's not shown. Do you no why?
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • hello_itsme 15 years ago
    I was at a friends house this afternoon and she served this fudge. It was giving to her, so she did not have the recipe. I came home and google it and now I have it and I became a member of this site. from hello_its me Theola J
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • bev196979 16 years ago
    It seems you printed just part of the instructions then quit. When do you add the milky ways bars and vanilla? And after pouring it in a dish wouln't it need to be refrigerated?
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    " It was excellent "
    annieamie ate it and said...
    Ever try this with the Dark Mint Milkyway bars? I have a bunch of them here and will try this. Your recipe sounds so easy and really unique! Thanks very much for posting it here!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • zanna 16 years ago
    A fast chocolate fix.sounds great!THANKS
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • mamajune 17 years ago
    achope,I don't see why you could make the top white chocolate chips melted.if you try it please let us know how it turns out.
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  • achope246 17 years ago
    Looks great! I know she said it isn't layered, but does anyone think the top layer could be white chocolate chips?
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  • mamajune 17 years ago
    Debbie,No it's not a layer fudge.I should have put that on the directions.So sorry to mislead you.This is the picture that came with the recipe when i got it.Don't know why that picture was with the recipe.This is really easy and so good.Please give it a try.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • debbie919 17 years ago
    June, love the concept of this fudge, but I'm not clear on directions. Pic shows layers, right? Thanks in advance!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag

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