Sweet Corn Chicken Soup
From funky 15 years agoIngredients
- Can of creamed corn shopping list
- 1L chicken stock shopping list
- corn flour - 2tbsp shopping list
- egg whites - 2 eggs shopping list
How to make it
- 1. Pour the can of creamed corn in a large bown along with the chicken stock(If you cannot find creamed corn can take 100gm of corm kernels and pressure cool and grind coarsly)
- 2.boil for about 10 min on low flame.
- 3.Add the egg whites to the mixture,add salt to taste.
- 4.oup is ready....serve with soy sauce,chilly sauce.
- Chicken pieces(canned or cooken) or vegetables can be added.
People Who Like This Dish 3
- mommabaker Nowhere, Us
- donman Hammond, LA
- clbacon Birmingham, AL
- funky Columbus, OH
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