
How to make it

  • Place the rice in a colander and rinse under cold running water until the water runs clear. Let stand until no water is dripping from the rice (it should not be wet when you saute it.)
  • Heat a heavy ungreased griddle or cast-iron skillet over medium-low heat until a drop of water sizzles on contact. Place the tomatoes and cook, turning frequently, until the skin is blackened and blistered all over, about 15 minutes. Remove the tomato into a bowl to hold the juices.
  • In a medium sauce pan or small Dutch oven with a tight-fitting lid, heat the oil over medium heat. Add the rice and onion, reduce the heat slightly, and cook, stirring constantly, for about 10 minutes. The rice will turn golden and translucent, and you will hear a difference in the sound it makes (to me it sounds like sand when it reaches the right stage). Drain off as much oil as possible.
  • Meanwhile, puree the garlic and tomatoes in a blender. Add the mixture to the rice and cook for 5 minutes, stirring frequently.
  • Add the hot stock or water, salt, and cilantro. Cover the pan tightly, and cook over low heat for 15 minutes, until the liquid is absorbed and the rice is fully swelled. It will be lighter and fluffier if you let it sit in a warm place off the heat for 5-8 minutes before serving.
  • Makes 6-8 servings
  • This dish would be nice with some chicken or link sausage (Mexican Jambalaya)

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