GrayTech Software, Inc. 

CAD X11® Enhancements in year 2005

  1. The DXF translator has been improved when reading MTEXT entities in DXF files that are in metric units (release 4.0.194) - Mar 12, 2005
  2. The DXF translator has been improved when reading LWPOLYLINE entities in DXF files that are labeled 'Continuous' for a line type (release 4.0.194) - Mar 12, 2005
  3. The online help for Create Pattern (menu File->Patterns->Create) has been implemented (release 4.0.196) - Apr 7, 2005
  4. An architectural Wall Menu has been implemented under the Line menu ( menu Line->MultipleParallel(Wall) ). This new function works under the Enterprise, Pro and Demo versions of CAD X11, but not the Free version (release 4.0.196) - Apr 7, 2005
  5. A note for build 196 - The framework for the upcoming Fence Select function has been added to the Entity Select Mode prompt. If you have a copy of CAD X11 installed previous to build 196, then most likely the bottom of this prompt and perhaps the Entity Unselect Mode prompt will not display properly. To correct this, edit the registry and delete the following keys: Entity Select Mode and Entity Unselect Mode found in HKEY_CURRENT_USER->Software->GrayTech->cadx11->Windows
  6. The online help for Retrieve Pattern (menu File->Patterns->Retrieve) has been implemented (release 4.0.197) - Apr 12, 2005
  7. The create pattern function has been refined so that the [ and ] keys (left and right mouse buttons) work as they are designed in the program and the pattern directory listing is displayed in its entirety so it can be verified. Improved messages are displayed in the status bar (release 4.0.197) - Apr 12, 2005
  8. The retrieve pattern function has been refined so that the [ and ] keys (left and right mouse buttons) work as they are designed in the program, the pattern directory listing is displayed in its entirety so it can be verified, the mirror option is always a choice in the retrieval dialog, the pattern layer processing is always a choice in the retrieval dialog, and the pattern scale and rotation angle are saved and are the default the next time the pattern retrieval function is called for the same drawing. Improved messages are displayed in the status bar. After a pattern is retrieved, you are automatically returned to the retrieve pattern option to retrieve the same or another pattern (release 4.0.197) - Apr 12, 2005
  9. The Tools->Options->Patterns page has been removed because the selections (pattern mirroring and pattern layer processing) are now always displayed on the pattern retrieval dialog box (release 4.0.197) - Apr 12, 2005
  10. A note for build 197 - If you have a copy of CAD X11 installed previous to build 197, then most likely the retrieve pattern prompt will not display properly. To correct this, edit the registry and delete the following key: Retrieve Pattern found in HKEY_CURRENT_USER->Software->GrayTech->cadx11->Windows
  11. The online help for the File->New function has been implemented (release 4.0.197) - Apr 12, 2005
  12. The online help for the File menu has been almost completed, except for the Import/Export functions (release 4.0.198) - May 16, 2005
  13. The recent file list has been expanded to 9 (release 4.0.198) - May 16, 2005
  14. When a new, blank drawing is started, CAD X11 will automatically go to the "Saveas" option when you select the save button (this prevents files with the name ".dwg" from occurring) (release 4.0.198) - May 16, 2005
  15. Entering a drawing name to save that is a very large number no longer crashes CAD X11 (release 4.0.198) - May 16, 2005
  16. If you enter a drawing name that exceeds the limit of 28 characters, the file name buffer will be cleared before the new drawing prompt is displayed. This prevents a save later that uses the incorrect file name (release 4.0.198) - May 16, 2005
  17. The PDF format export function has been updated to eliminate occasional crashes with plot origin options, a rubber band rectangle is displayed with the origin option "select point", online help has been implemented, secondary messages on the status bar are complete, occasional locked file messages in Acrobat Reader have been corrected and the [ key (left mouse button) works in the "select data with window" option (release 4.0.199) - Jun 9, 2005
  18. The Gerber format export function has been updated with swapped leading and trailing prompts for data compaction, removed the stroke area fills prompt (N/A), online help has been implemented, the "do not close file at end" option now works and secondary messages on the status bar are complete (release 4.0.199) - Jun 9, 2005
  19. A crash with the Gerber format import function has been corrected (release 4.0.199) - Jun 9, 2005
  20. Using the grayscale grid, the view vectors' axis label now shows, the background stays gray (not white) when the grid is too dense or too sparse to show, and the background stays gray when a file dialog box is displayed for opening or saving files (release 4.0.201) - Dec 7, 2005
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