Use a higher sample size

Smaller loop timing to accomodate for increased number of samples.
The good news is that the inner loop timing is only dependent on the
baseline cost of the loop and we've empirically determined that 500
microseconds is enough.

Test: ./gradlew benchmark:cC
Change-Id: I77c287e2b1ee8e82a5423b695f009a0eb680b3ae
diff --git a/benchmark/src/main/java/androidx/benchmark/BenchmarkState.kt b/benchmark/src/main/java/androidx/benchmark/BenchmarkState.kt
index 5ce5078..412c953 100644
--- a/benchmark/src/main/java/androidx/benchmark/BenchmarkState.kt
+++ b/benchmark/src/main/java/androidx/benchmark/BenchmarkState.kt
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
      * Decreasing iteration count used when [state] == [RUNNING], used to determine when main
      * measurement loop finishes.
-    @JvmField /* Used by [BenchmarkState.keepRunningInline()] */
+    @JvmField // Used by [BenchmarkState.keepRunningInline()]
     internal var iterationsRemaining = -1
@@ -96,16 +96,20 @@
     internal val stats: Stats
         get() {
             if (state == NOT_STARTED) {
-                throw IllegalStateException("The benchmark wasn't started! Every test in a class " +
-                        "with a BenchmarkRule must contain a benchmark. In Kotlin, call " +
-                        "benchmarkRule.measureRepeated {}, or in Java, call " +
-                        "benchmarkRule.getState().keepRunning() to run your benchmark.")
+                throw IllegalStateException(
+                    "The benchmark wasn't started! Every test in a class " +
+                            "with a BenchmarkRule must contain a benchmark. In Kotlin, call " +
+                            "benchmarkRule.measureRepeated {}, or in Java, call " +
+                            "benchmarkRule.getState().keepRunning() to run your benchmark."
+                )
             if (state != FINISHED) {
-                throw IllegalStateException("The benchmark hasn't finished! In Java, use " +
-                        "while(BenchmarkState.keepRunning()) to ensure keepRunning() returns " +
-                        "false before ending your test. In Kotlin, just use " +
-                        "benchmarkRule.measureRepeated {} to avoid the problem.")
+                throw IllegalStateException(
+                    "The benchmark hasn't finished! In Java, use " +
+                            "while(BenchmarkState.keepRunning()) to ensure keepRunning() returns " +
+                            "false before ending your test. In Kotlin, just use " +
+                            "benchmarkRule.measureRepeated {} to avoid the problem."
+                )
             return internalStats!!
@@ -355,10 +359,7 @@
             "mean=${mean()}ns, " +
             "min=${min()}ns, " +
             "stddev=${standardDeviation()}ns, " +
-            "count=${count()}, " +
-            results.mapIndexed { index, value ->
-                "No $index result is $value"
-            }.joinToString(", ")
+            "count=${count()}"
     private fun ideSummaryLineWrapped(key: String): String {
         val warningLines = WarningState.acquireWarningStringForLogging()?.split("\n") ?: listOf()
@@ -386,7 +387,6 @@
     internal fun getFullStatusReport(key: String): Bundle {
         Log.i(TAG, key + summaryLine())
-        Log.i(CSV_TAG, results.joinToString(prefix = "$key, ", separator = ", "))
         val status = Bundle()
         val prefix = WarningState.WARNING_PREFIX
@@ -405,7 +405,6 @@
     /** @hide */
     companion object {
         private const val TAG = "Benchmark"
-        private const val CSV_TAG = "BenchmarkCsv"
         private const val STUDIO_OUTPUT_KEY_PREFIX = ""
         private const val STUDIO_OUTPUT_KEY_ID = "benchmark"
@@ -416,22 +415,14 @@
         private const val RUNNING = 2 // The benchmark is running.
         private const val FINISHED = 3 // The benchmark has stopped.
-        // values determined empirically
-        private val TARGET_TEST_DURATION_NS = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(500)
-        private const val MAX_TEST_ITERATIONS = 1000000
-        private const val MIN_TEST_ITERATIONS = 10
+        // Values determined empirically.
-        internal const val REPEAT_COUNT = 5
+        internal const val REPEAT_COUNT = 50
+        private val TARGET_TEST_DURATION_NS = TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS.toNanos(500)
+        private const val MAX_TEST_ITERATIONS = 1000000
+        private const val MIN_TEST_ITERATIONS = 1
         private const val THROTTLE_MAX_RETRIES = 3
         private const val THROTTLE_BACKOFF_S = 90L
-        init {
-            Log.i(CSV_TAG, (0 until REPEAT_COUNT).joinToString(
-                prefix = "Benchmark, ",
-                separator = ", "
-            ) { "Result $it" })
-        }