Android for Cars App Library Samples

This directory contains sample apps that use Android for Cars App Library. Please find the library documentation at


Build and Run From Android Studio

In order to build app APKs,

  1. Open the project in Android Studio: File -> Open -> Select this directory and click OK.

  2. Select a sample app directory (e.g. helloworld) in the Project Structure UI on the top left.

  3. Go to Build -> Make Module ‘<sample_app>’. The apks will be generated in <sample_app>/build/outputs/apk.

In order to install and run the apps,

  1. Open the AndroidX project in Android Studio.

  2. Go to Run -> Edit Configurations, select your app (e.g., and in the General tab, under Launch Options, select Launch: Nothing, then click OK to close the dialog.

  3. Select Run -> Run ‘your app’, to run the app, which will just install it in the selected device.

Run From the Command Line

  1. Run ./gradlew :sample:assemble to assemble the APKs. E.g.
./gradlew :showcase:assemble

The APK should be generated under your app’s build directory, e.g. your_app/build/outputs/apk/debug.

If you see this error during the build:

> SDK location not found. Define location with an ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environment variable or by setting the sdk.dir path in your projects local properties file at <repo_path>/car/car_app_library/

Create file under car_app_library directory, and copy the following line:

sdk.dir = <your_home_directory>/Android/Sdk
  1. Install the APK with ADB:
adb install -t <path_to_your_apk>

Run the Apps in the Desktop Head Unit (DHU)

Follow the instructions in Test Android apps for cars to run the sample apps in the DHU.

In short, do the following:

  1. Enable the Android Developer Settings
  2. Enable Unknown Sources in Android Auto
  3. Run the DHU

Note: In Android Q, there is no Android Auto app in the launcher. The way to get to the settings in that case is through Settings -> Apps & Notifications -> See all apps -> Android Auto -> Advanced -> Additional settings in the app.