Wrap subManager creation with createForAllProfiles

Since U, a sub can be associated to a particular profile, and thus in V we enforce filtering on caller and only show the subs that are associated with the caller.
However, in some cases the caller indeed needs to see all subs regardless its association, e.g. sysUI. Therefore, a param isForAllProfile is added to indicate whether the caller intends to see all subs.

Bug: 296076674
Test: voice call + data browsing
Flag: ACONFIG com.android.internal.telephony.flags.work_profile_api_split DEVELOPMENT
Change-Id: Ifa5fd5061ee48de2153d22eec43f3df71d589b6f
2 files changed
tree: df2103cf77f2b278d93091957c1f2d196cf863a6
  1. rcs/