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User Interface
ActionBarCompat and I/O 2013 App Source
ActionBarCompat and I/O 2013 App Source

07 August 2013

Posted by Chris Banes, Android Developer Relations Following on the Android 4.3 and Nexus 7 announcements, we recently released two import...

Daydream: Interactive Screen Savers
Daydream: Interactive Screen Savers

27 December 2012

Posted by Daniel Sandler, a software engineer on the Android System UI team I’ve always loved screen savers. Supposedly they exist for a ...

Article Image Placeholder
Accessibility: Are You Serving All Your Users?

10 April 2012

[This post is by Joe Fernandez , a technical writer for who cares about accessibility and usability. — Tim Bray.] We...

Android Design V2: Now with stencils
Android Design V2: Now with stencils

29 February 2012

[This post is by Android designer Alex Faaborg , on behalf of the entire User Experience team. —Tim Bray] When we initially released Andro...

Say Goodbye to the Menu Button
Say Goodbye to the Menu Button

26 January 2012

[This post is by Scott Main, lead tech writer for . — Tim Bray] Before Android 3.0 (Honeycomb), all Android-powered de...

Introducing the Android Design site
Introducing the Android Design site

12 January 2012

[This post is by Christian Robertson , who leads the Android visual design group. He is also the designer of the Roboto font family. —Tim ...

Holo Everywhere
Holo Everywhere

03 January 2012

[This post is by Adam Powell , an Android Framework engineer who cares about style. —Tim Bray] Android 4.0 showcases the Holo theme family,...

New Layout Widgets: Space and GridLayout
New Layout Widgets: Space and GridLayout

10 November 2011

[This post is by Philip Milne , who is part of the Android framework team. — Tim Bray] Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) sports two new widgets that ...

Preparing for Handsets
Preparing for Handsets

19 September 2011

[This post is by Scott Main, lead tech writer for . — Tim Bray] Early this year, Honeycomb (Android 3.0) launched for ...