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Compose for Wear OS and Tiles 1.2 libraries are now stable: check out new features!
Compose for Wear OS and Tiles 1.2 libraries are now stable: check out new features!

09 August 2023

Posted by Anna Bernbaum, Product Manager and Kseniia Shumelchyk , Android Developer Relations Engineer We’re excited to announce that...

Announcing Glance: Tiles for Wear OS made simple
Announcing Glance: Tiles for Wear OS made simple

26 January 2022

Posted by Anna Bernbaum, Associate Product Manager Last year we announced the Wear Tiles API . To complement that Java API, we are...

Creating custom Tiles on Wear OS by Google with the Jetpack Tiles library
Creating custom Tiles on Wear OS by Google with the Jetpack Tiles library

12 March 2021

Posted by Jolanda Verhoef , Developer Relations Engineer We introduced Tiles in 2019 , and since then, Tiles have become one of the mo...