次の検索結果を表示しています: etymology of scissors
元の検索キーワード: etymology of sissors
Where did the word scissors originate?
Why is it called scissors and not scissor?
Why does the word scissors have AC in it?
Why are scissors spelled like that?
2022/08/06 · "large scissors," Middle English sheres, from Old English scearra (plural of scear, scer) "shears, scissors," from Proto-Germanic *sker- "to cut ...
Etymology ; sisours, ; sisoures (attested since 1350–1400), from Old French ; cisoires, from Vulgar Latin ; *cīsōria, plural of Late Latin ; cīsōrium (“cutting tool”) ...
2022/02/03 · The spelling was highly uncertain before 20c. The forms with sc- are from 16c., by influence of Medieval Latin scissor "tailor," in classical ...
History · Han dynasty scissors · These shears are thought to date to the 2nd century AD and come from a Roman settlement in Trabzon, Turkey. The style of the " ...
OED's earliest evidence for scissors is from before 1425, in Medulla Grammatice. scissors is a borrowing from French. Etymons: French ...
2014/06/29 · Scissors apparently derives form the plural of the Latin cīsōrium for cutting tool, as does chisel. Scissor is used in modern times in the ...
Etymology ; cysour, ; cysoure, ; cysowre, altered from ; sisours (“scissors”); ultimately from Latin ; caedere (“to cut”); current spelling influenced by Latin ...
noun · (used with a singular or plural verb) a cutting instrument for paper, cloth, etc., consisting of two blades, each having a ring-shaped handle, that are ...
2020/10/19 · The word, usually used in the plural since the thirteenth century, comes from Old French cisoires, meaning "shears". That's thought to come from ...
What's the singular of 'scissors'?. A tricky, double-edged word origin. One of the first things that English speakers learn about nouns is that they are ...