次の検索結果を表示しています: etymology of scissors
元の検索キーワード: etymology of sissors
2022/08/06 · "large scissors," Middle English sheres, from Old English scearra (plural of scear, scer) "shears, scissors," from Proto-Germanic *sker- "to cut ...
Etymology ; sisours, ; sisoures (attested since 1350–1400), from Old French ; cisoires, from Vulgar Latin ; *cīsōria, plural of Late Latin ; cīsōrium (“cutting tool”) ...
2022/02/03 · The spelling was highly uncertain before 20c. The forms with sc- are from 16c., by influence of Medieval Latin scissor "tailor," in classical ...
History · Han dynasty scissors · These shears are thought to date to the 2nd century AD and come from a Roman settlement in Trabzon, Turkey. The style of the " ...
OED's earliest evidence for scissors is from before 1425, in Medulla Grammatice. scissors is a borrowing from French. Etymons: French ...
2014/06/29 · Scissors apparently derives form the plural of the Latin cīsōrium for cutting tool, as does chisel. Scissor is used in modern times in the ...
Etymology ; cysour, ; cysoure, ; cysowre, altered from ; sisours (“scissors”); ultimately from Latin ; caedere (“to cut”); current spelling influenced by Latin ...
noun · (used with a singular or plural verb) a cutting instrument for paper, cloth, etc., consisting of two blades, each having a ring-shaped handle, that are ...
2020/10/19 · The word, usually used in the plural since the thirteenth century, comes from Old French cisoires, meaning "shears". That's thought to come from ...
What's the singular of 'scissors'?. A tricky, double-edged word origin. One of the first things that English speakers learn about nouns is that they are ...