Report Editor Glossary

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Review the descriptions of the following reports available in Report Editor:

Video viewability

Category: Ads and assets

Description: See how often your ad appears in viewable positions on a webpage, device or app

Legacy report mapping:

Other > Video viewability

Account performance

Category: Performance summary

Description: Review your account performance

Legacy report mapping:

Basic > Account

Campaign performance

Category: Performance summary

Description: Review your campaigns performance and see enabled features and settings

Legacy report mapping:

Basic > Campaign

Basic > Campaign details

Ad group performance

Category: Performance summary

Description: Review your ad groups performance and see enabled features and settings

Legacy report mapping:

Basic > Ad group

Basic > Ad group details


Search keyword

Category: Performance summary

Description: Review your keyword performance

Legacy report mapping:

Basic > Search keyword

Label performance

Category: Performance summary

Description: Compare the performance of your custom categories by reviewing labels applied to campaigns, ad groups and more 

Legacy report mapping:

Basic > LabelsCampaign

Basic > LabelsAdGroup

Basic > LabelsKeyword

Basic > LabelsAd


Category: Performance summary

Description: See how content targeting methods (such as topics and contextual keywords) are driving performance

Legacy report mapping:

Display/Video > Display/video keyword

Display/Video > Topic


Category: When and where ads showed

Description: Analyze the webpages, videos, and apps where your ads show

Legacy report mapping:

Display/Video > Automatic placements (group)

Youtube search terms

Category: When and where ads showed

Description: See the YouTube searches triggering your ads and their performance

Legacy report mapping:

Display/Video > Youtube search term

Shopping products

Category: Performance summary

Description: Review Shopping ads performance based on different ad identifiers, such as item ID, product type and more

Legacy report mapping:

Shopping > Category

Shopping > Product type

Shopping > Item ID

Shopping > Brand

Shopping > MC ID

Shopping > Store ID

Shopping > Channel

Shopping > Channel Exclusive

Shopping products - Cart items advertised

Category: Performance summary

Description: Understand basic sales (revenue, orders, avg. order value) for every advertised item

Legacy report mapping:

Shopping > Cart-Items advertised

Shopping products - Cart items sold

Category: Performance summary

Description: Understand how much revenue was made from items sold

Legacy report mapping:

Shopping > Cart-Items sold

Shopping > Cart-Items cross-sold


Category: Performance summary

Description: Review the performance of your audience targeting across campaigns

Legacy report mapping:

Basic > Audience segment

Hotel campaign

Category: Performance summary

Description: Review your Hotel campaign performance

Legacy report mapping:

Hotel > Hotel performance


Category: Goals and conversions

Description: See how your ads drive conversion actions, such as website actions, calls, app downloads and in-app actions

Legacy report mapping:

Conversions > Conversion action name

Conversions > Conversion category

Conversions > Conversion source

Store visits

Category: Goals and conversions

Description: See how your campaigns are driving store visits

Legacy report mapping:

Conversions > Store visit

Account performance

Category: Goals and conversions

Description: Review the number of app installs from your iOS campaigns via details from Apple’s SKAdNetwork API

Legacy report mapping:

Other > SKAdNetwork conversions

When your ads showed

Category: When and where ads showed

Description: Compare and track your ads' performance over time such as day, hour of day and more

Legacy report mapping:

Time > Day of week

Time > Day

Time > Week

Time > Month

Time > Quarter

Time > Year

Time > Hour of day


Category: When and where ads showed

Description: "See how your ads are doing for user’s physical locations regardless of the location that was used to match against the advertiser

Legacy report mapping:

Locations > User Location


Category: When and where ads showed

Description: See how your ads perform based on your business's location

Legacy report mapping:

Locations > Distance

Search terms

Category: When and where ads showed

Description: See how your Search or Shopping ads performed when triggered by searches on Google’s Search Network

Legacy report mapping:

Basic > Search terms

Retail categories

Category: When and where ads showed

Description: Review each product category performance across Search and Shopping campaigns

Legacy report mapping:

Basic > Retail categories

Performance Max campaigns placement

Category: When and where ads showed

Description: See how often your Performance Max ads were displayed on specific webpages or sites

Legacy report mapping:

Other > Pmax campaigns placement

App campaign placement

Category: When and where ads showed

Description: See how often your App promotion ads were displayed on specific webpages or apps

Legacy report mapping:

Other > App campaigns placement

Paid and organic

Category: Competitive visibility

Description: See how often your website pages appear in organic search results, and review the searches that lead people to them

Legacy report mapping:

Basic > Paid Organic

Auction insights - search

Category: Competitive visibility

Description: See your top competitors in Search campaign auctions and review how they have changed over time

Legacy report mapping:

Auction Insights > Search - Account

Auction Insights > Search - Campaign

Auction Insights > Search - Ad Group

Auction Insights > Search - Keyword

Auction insights - shopping

Category: Competitive visibility

Description: See your top competitors in Shopping campaign auctions and review how they have changed over time

Legacy report mapping:

Auction Insights > Shopping - Account

Auction Insights > Shopping - Campaign

Auction Insights > Shopping - Ad Group

Ads performance

Category: Ads and assets

Description: See how your individual ads are performing

Legacy report mapping:

Basic > Ad

Call details

Category: Ads and assets

Description: Review the performance of your call assets, location assets and call-only ads

Legacy report mapping:

Assets (legacy) > Call Details

Message details

Category: Ads and assets

Description: See how a chat prompt in your ads helped drive performance 

Legacy report mapping:

Assets (legacy) > Message Details

Landing pages

Category: Ads and assets

Description: See how the pages you’re directing ad traffic to are performing

Legacy report mapping:

Basic > Landing Page

Basic > Expanded Landing Page

Legacy assets

Category: Ads and assets

Description: See how legacy assets in your ads helped drive performance 

Legacy report mapping:

Assets (legacy) > Sitelink assets

Assets (legacy) > App assets

Assets (legacy) > Location assets

Assets (legacy) > Callout assets

Assets (legacy) > Lead form assets

Assets (legacy) > Promotion assets

Assets (legacy) > Structured snippet assets

Assets (legacy) > Image assets

Upgraded assets

Category: Ads and assets

Description: See how upgraded assets in your ads helped drive performance

Legacy report mapping:

Assets > Sitelink assets

Assets > Callout assets

Assets > Lead form assets

Assets > Promotion assets

Assets > Structured snippet assets

Assets > App assets

Assets > Price assets

Assets > Hotel assets

Billed cost

Category: Billing

Description: Review the actual amount you’ll pay after adjustments have been made to your Google Ads accounts

Legacy report mapping:

Other > Billed cost

Free clicks

Category: Free clicks

Description: Review the types of interactions with your ads that don't incur costs, such as a hover or video play

Legacy report mapping:

Other > Free clicks

Store Locations

Category: Goals and Conversions

Description: Review legacy statistics from store-specific actions for your store locations.

Legacy report mapping:

Locations > Per store report

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