About the hotel destination report

Note: This report will be available in December 2023. Data will be available from November 7, 2023 onward.

By using hotel destination reporting, you can receive information to help you understand your ad coverage or performance for specific destination markets (for example, Paris hotels) across Hotel and Search campaigns.

This initial version of the Travel Category report will be available in Google Ads reporting to advertisers with Hotel Campaigns. It will allow you to gather performance and competitive metrics for your Search and Hotel Ads for any hotel destination where your ads are active, with the ability to sort by user location and device type.


  • Find the combined performance of your Search and Hotels campaigns on Google.com by an automatically determined travel category.
  • Report your performance metrics for an entire product category across both networks.

How it works

Google assigns a destination category to all the ad impressions for a given search term.

For example, when someone searches for “Hotels in London”, the query could be further categorized as:

  • Hotels in the United Kingdom
  • Hotels in Great Britain
  • Hotels in England

You can then report your performance across Search and Hotel using those categories. Some of the metrics available per destination include:

  • User country
    • Note: The destination country fields are populated for both Hotel and Search Campaigns. Even if you didn’t have Hotel campaigns targeting the UK, you still might see traffic from the UK in the report. In the case of Search campaigns, those fields are populated for queries which trigger organic hotel results.
  • Device type
  • Campaign dimensions
  • Conversion metrics (conversions, conversion value, conversion value/cost)

Not all queries are categorized. Keep in mind that:

  • Only the traffic that triggered your ads is classified.
  • Only Hotel specific traffic is classified.
  • Some queries can’t be assigned to proper categories and are not classified.
  • Only corresponding Hotel and Search traffic on the Search network is classified.
    • Search campaigns may include data from regions unrelated to hotel locations.

There is a predefined report called “Hotel Destination”. This data is available in the Google Ads Report Editor under the “Hotel” group.

Best practices

Hotel destination reporting can reveal opportunities to optimize performance at the destination-level. However, we recommend avoiding direct performance comparison between channels. Before analyzing the data, it's critical to check for other factors that can contribute to meaningful performance differences between Search and Hotel. For example:

  • Campaigns targeting specific inventory, or only specific locations
  • Audience targeting
  • Different bid strategies

Where to find hotel destination reporting

You can access your destination category reports either through our predefined reports or by customizing which metrics you want to evaluate using the Report Editor.

Using predefined reports for the hotel destination report

Use predefined reports to help you discover Hotels-specific reports.

Note: The instructions below are part of a new Google Ads user experience that will launch for all advertisers in 2024. If you’re still using the previous version of Google Ads, review the Quick reference map or use the Search bar in the top navigation panel of Google Ads to find the page you’re searching for.

To open a predefined report:

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon Campaigns Icon.
  2. Click the Insights and reports drop down in the section menu.
  3. Click Report editor.
  4. To the right of the blue plus button for “Custom” there is a section for “Predefined Reports (Dimensions)”. Select the “>” arrow for “View All”.
  5. Scroll down to the “Hotel” section.
  6. Select “Hotel destination”.

Using the Report Editor for Hotel category reporting

By using the Report Editor, you can evaluate the performance of your Search and Hotel campaigns across different category levels and ad groups. You can also filter for various performance metrics, such as clicks, cost, conversions, and click share.

Example: You want to identify performance opportunities for key categories. To do this:

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon Campaigns Icon.
  2. Click the Insights and reports drop down in the section menu.
  3. Click Report editor.
  4. Click the blue plus button in the top left corner of the page, then select Table, Line chart, Bar chart, Pie chart, or Scatter chart.
  5. On the page menu, on the right-hand side, select Destination to show all Hotel destination categories.
  6. Drag and drop Hotel category levels into the “Row” window at the top of the table.
  7. Drag and drop the metrics you want to evaluate into the “Column” window.
  8. Identify categories where performance can be improved.
  9. On the page menu, select Attributes to show “Campaign type”.
  10. Drag and drop Campaign type into the “Row” window to get channel-level insights.

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