The WyCash portfolio management system

W Cunningham - ACM Sigplan Oops Messenger, 1992 -
W Cunningham
ACM Sigplan Oops Messenger,
US pension funds, corporations, and banks invest billions of dollars in the “cash” markets.
Cash securities are generally considered those with a remaining term to maturity of less than
one year, but can include those with maturities as long as five years. Incredibly diverse in
nature, cash securities are actually negotiated between issuer and buyer, and new security
types are frequently introduced into the market. WyCASH+ is a portfolio management system
which provides basic accounting, recordkeeping and reporting, as well as analytical …
US pension funds, corporations, and banks invest billions of dollars in the “cash” markets. Cash securities are generally considered those with a remaining term to maturity of less than one year, but can include those with maturities as long as five years. Incredibly diverse in nature, cash securities are actually negotiated between issuer and buyer, and new security types are frequently introduced into the market. WyCASH+ is a portfolio management system which provides basic accounting, recordkeeping and reporting, as well as analytical computations to assist the manager of cash portfolios.
For the development of WyCASH+, Wyatt Software chose to employ object technology in order to quickly and effectively address the diversity present in the market. Objects help in two ways. First, many security types fit nicely into an inheritance hierarchy which is directly supported by our language (Smalltalk) saving us considerable effort in coding. Second, changing market demands often require massive revisions which we have been able to accommodate because of the modularity intrinsic in a totally object-oriented implementation. Our customers value our responsiveness as much as, if not more than, our product’s fit to their current needs.
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