英語會話萬用句型: 五大特色教學」讓你的英語溝通能力再升級

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# 英文學那麼久還是無法完整表達意思嗎?

# 常常因為怕說錯而不敢開口嗎?






本書收錄的句型主要以生活中的各種情境為主,包括邀請、道謝、致歉、祝福,討論溝通時的建議、徵詢意見、提出疑問、說明因果,表達自我意願、感受、看法等18 個單元,共有150 個句型。語言學習的重點就在於溝通,而表達情感是溝通的第一步,本書希望藉由這18個日常生活中的常見對話情景,從彼此間的對話開始,整理出簡單的句型說明,讓讀者可以嘗試融入對話情景中學習,將這些句型靈活運用,便能面對大多數用英語溝通的各種狀況,幫助你活用句型。



Do you feel like some hot cocoa?



Shall we find a place to sit down?

1. 利用該單元句型設計情境對話並以趣味插畫來呈現,讓你能夠深入情境,一來先讓讀者初步熟悉相關的句型,同時還可以學習到該如何回應的用法。

2. 每個句型先提供「公式」,幫助讀者了解句子基本架構。之後再針對使用情境、用法及注意事項加以說明。接著,套用公式,提供6 到8 個精心設計的句子,透過反覆練習幫助讀者熟悉該句型的語法。

3. 「多學一點點」提供與該句型相關用法,讓讀者可以舉一反三,靈活運用。

4. 「寫寫看!」不只是單純的小試身手而已,在這裡我們設計了簡單的會話,你除了可以測驗對該句型的掌握度外,回答或回應也是不可忽視的部分。



1.你有空……嗎?Are you free + to V. / for N. / TIME?      

2.(你)想要……嗎?(Do you) feel like + N./V-ing?

3.你想要……嗎?Would you like + to V. / N.

4.我想邀請你……I’d like to invite you + to N./V.

5.我想請你…… I’d love for you to V.

6.如果你不忙的話,要不要……? If you’re not busy, do you want to V.? 

7.如果你願意……,我會感到很榮幸。I’d be honored if you would V.



1.我們來……吧。Let’s V.

2.我們要不要……?Shall we V.?

3.……如何、怎麼樣?How about + N./V-ing / S. + V.?

4.……如何、怎麼樣?What about + N./V-ing?     

5.(你)想不想……?(Do you) fancy + N./V-ing?

6.要不要……? What do/would you say + to N./V-ing / S. + V.?     

7.你也許會對……感興趣。You might be interested + in N./V-ing



1.我希望我可以,但是…… I wish I could, but . . .

2.我真的很想……,但是…… I’d really love to V., but . . .

3.對不起,…… I’m sorry, but . . .

4.謝謝你……,不過…… Thanks + for N./V-ing, but . . .

5.我想我會……,但還是謝謝你…… I think I’ll V., but thanks + for N./V-ing

6.很遺憾,我對……沒興趣。 I’m afraid I’m not interested + in N./V-ing

7.我不想…… I’m not in the mood + to V. / for N./V-ing

8.我們很遺憾要通知你…… We regret to inform you (that) + S. + V.



1.謝謝你……Thank you + for N./V-ing

2.我對……感激不盡。I can’t thank you enough + for N./V-ing

3.我非常感謝……I really appreciate + N./V-ing / that + S. + V.

4.我無法形容我有多麼感謝……I can’t tell you how much I appreciate + N./V-ing

5.請接受我對……的感謝。Please accept my gratitude + for N./V-ing

6.你……人真好。It’s very kind of you to V.

7.你真體貼,還……!How thoughtful of you to V.!

8.你……而解了圍。You really saved the day by V-ing



1.對於……,我真的很抱歉。I’m really sorry + for/about N./V-ing

2.我為……(向……)道歉。I apologize (to sb) + for N./V-ing     

3.對於……,請接受我的(誠摯)道歉。Please accept my (sincere) apology + for N./V-ing

4.我要為……向你道歉。I owe you an apology + for N./V-ing     

5.請原諒我…… Please forgive me + for N./V-ing     

6.我不是故意要……I didn’t mean to V.     

7.……全都是我的錯。It’s all my fault that + S. + V.         

8.我不該……的。I shouldn’t have + p.p.             

9.關於……,我想跟你說我很抱歉。I want to tell you how sorry I am + about N./V-ing    

10.我不知該怎麼說才好,……I don’t know how to say this, but . . .    



1.祝你……I wish you + N.

2.祝你……May you + V.

3.祝你……Have + N.

4.恭喜……Congratulations + on N./V-ing

5.為……送上最好的祝福。Best wishes + on N./V-ing

6.我由衷地祝福你……All my best wishes to you for N.

7.我想舉杯向……致意。I’d like to make a toast to N.



1.我建議……I suggest/recommend + (that) + S. + (should) V. / V-ing

2.你為什麼不……呢?Why don’t you V.?

3.(我認為)你應該…… (I think) You should V.

4.也許你不該……Maybe you shouldn’t V.

5.你最好……You’d better V.     

6.……可能會比較好。It would be better to V.

7.如果我是你,我會…… If I were you, I would V.

8.你可能會想要……You may want to V.

9.你有想過……嗎?Have you thought of V-ing ?

10.你不認為……會是個好主意嗎? Don’t you think it would be a good idea to V.?

11.……是有用的。It is useful to V.



1.我認為……I believe/think/feel (that) + S. + V.

2.依我之見,……In my opinion/view, S. + V.

3.我覺得、我的意見是……My feeling is that + S. + V.

4.在我看來,……似乎……It appears/seems to me that + S. + V.

5.我懷疑……I doubt + (that) + S. + V. / whether/if + S. + V.

6.我認為……If you ask me, S. + V.

7.我可能是錯的,但是……I could be wrong, but . . .     

8.我不想告訴你,……I hate to tell you that + S. + V.

9.我了解你說的,但是……I see what you’re saying, but . . .

10.可以肯定的是,……It’s safe to say (that) + S. + V.



1.我不知道……I don’t know . . .

2.我認為……不……;我不認為……I don’t think (that) + S. + V.

3.我不介意……I don’t mind + N./V-ing / wh-疑問詞 + S. + V.

4.我無法忍受……;我受不了…… I can’t stand + N./V-ing / to V.

5.我不會讓……I won’t let + O. + V.

6.我不敢……I dare not V.     

7.……都沒關係。It doesn’t matter + wh-疑問詞+ S. + V. / that + S. + V.

8.……是不可能的。It is impossible to V.

9.無法……There is no + V-ing



1.我願意……I’m willing to V.

2.我想……I wish to V.

3.我決心要……I’m determined to V.

4.我永遠不會拒絕……I’ll never say no + to N./V-ing

5.我比較喜歡……勝於……I prefer + N./V-ing + to/over N./V-ing

6.我寧可……I’d rather V.

7.我不得不……I have no choice but to V.



1.多麼、好……!How + adj./adv. (+ S. + V.)!

2.我……很開心。I had a great time + V-ing

3.我很期待……I’m looking forward + to N./V-ing

4.我厭倦了……I’m tired + of N./V-ing

5.我擔心……I’m worried + about N./V-ing / that + S. + V.

6.我很遺憾聽到……I’m sorry to hear that + S. + V.

7.……真是令人遺憾。It’s a shame + to V. / that + S. + V.

8.……,我真的很難過。It breaks my heart + to V. / that + S. + V.



1.我可以向你請教……嗎?Can I ask for your advice + about/on . . . ?

2.對於……,你有什麼看法嗎?Do you have any opinions + about/on . . . ?

3.關於……,你的看法如何?What’s your opinion + about/on . . . ?

4.我想聽聽你對……的看法。I’d like (to hear) your opinion/view + about/on . . .

5.你覺得……怎麼樣呢?What do you think + of/about N./V-ing?

6.你覺得……怎麼樣?How do you like + N./V-ing?    

7.你認為我應該……嗎?Do you think (that) I should V.?

8.你是否同意(我說)……?Would you agree (with me) that + S. + V.?

9.要是……怎麼辦?What if + S. + V./V-ed?



1.請幫我……Please help me + V. / with N./V-ing

2.你可以幫我……嗎?Could you do me a favor and V.?

3.你有空……嗎?Do you have a second to V.?

4.可以麻煩你幫我……嗎?Would you please + V. + for me?

5.如果你不介意的話……If you don’t mind, . . . 

6.你有可能……嗎?Is it possible for you to V.?

7.要是你……,我會很感激。I would really appreciate it if you + V-ed

8.如果不麻煩的話,你可以……嗎?If it’s no trouble, could you V.?

9.我不確定要怎麼……I’m not sure how to V.




1.你有空……嗎?Are you free + to V. / for N. / TIME?      

2.(你)想要……嗎?(Do you) feel like + N./V-ing?

3.你想要……嗎?Would you like + to V. / N.

4.我想邀請你……I’d like to invite you + to N./V.

5.我想請你……I’d love for you to V.

6.如果你不忙的話,要不要……? If you’re not busy, do you want to V.? 

7.如果你願意……,我會感到很榮幸。I’d be honored if you would V.



1.我們來……吧。Let’s V.

2.我們要不要……?Shall we V.?

3.……如何、怎麼樣?How about + N./V-ing / S. + V.?

4.……如何、怎麼樣?What about + N./V-ing?  

5.(你)想不想……?(Do you) fancy + N./V-ing?

6.要不要……? What do/would you say + to N./V-ing / S. + V.?  

7.你也許會對……感興趣。You might be interested + in N./V-ing



1.我希望我可以,但是…… I wish I could, but . . .

2.我真的很想……,但是…… I’d really love to V., but . . .

3.對不起,…… I’m sorry, but . . .

4.謝謝你……,不過…… Thanks + for N./V-ing, but . . .


I think I’ll V., but thanks + for N./V-ing


 I’m afraid I’m not interested + in N./V-ing

7.我不想…… I’m not in the mood + to V. / for N./V-ing



1.謝謝你……Thank you + for N./V-ing

2.我對……感激不盡。I can’t thank you enough + for N./V-ing

3.我非常感謝……I really appreciate + N./V-ing / that + S. + V.


I can’t tell you how much I appreciate + N./V-ing

5.請接受我對……的感謝。Please accept my gratitude + for N./V-ing

6.你……人真好。It’s very kind of you to V.

7.你真體貼,還……!How thoughtful of you to V.!

8.你……而解了圍。You really saved the day by V-ing



1.對於……,我真的很抱歉。I’m really sorry + for/about N./V-ing

2.我為……(向……)道歉。I apologize (to sb) + for N./V-ing    


Please accept my (sincere) apology + for N./V-ing

4.我要為……向你道歉。I owe you an apology + for N./V-ing   

5.請原諒我…… Please forgive me + for N./V-ing    

6.我不是故意要……I didn’t mean to V.    

7.……全都是我的錯。It’s all my fault that + S. + V.  

8.我不該……的。I shouldn’t have + p.p.        


I want to tell you how sorry I am + about N./V-ing    

10.我不知該怎麼說才好,……I don’t know how to say this, but . . .    



1.祝你……I wish you + N.

2.祝你……May you + V.

3.祝你……Have + N.

4.恭喜……Congratulations + on N./V-ing

5.為……送上最好的祝福。Best wishes + on N./V-ing

6.我由衷地祝福你……All my best wishes to you for N.

7.我想舉杯向……致意。I’d like to make a toast to N.



1.我建議……I suggest/recommend + (that) + S. + (should) V. / V-ing

2.你為什麼不……呢?Why don’t you V.?

3.(我認為)你應該…… (I think) You should V.

4.也許你不該……Maybe you shouldn’t V.

5.你最好……You’d better V.  

6.……可能會比較好。It would be better to V.

7.如果我是你,我會…… If I were you, I would V.

8.你可能會想要……You may want to V.

9.你有想過……嗎?Have you thought of V-ing ?


Don’t you think it would be a good idea to V.? 146

11.……是有用的。It is useful to V.



1.我認為……I believe/think/feel (that) + S. + V.

2.依我之見,……In my opinion/view, S. + V.

3.我覺得、我的意見是……My feeling is that + S. + V.

4.在我看來,……似乎……It appears/seems to me that + S. + V.

5.我懷疑……I doubt + (that) + S. + V. / whether/if + S. + V.

6.我認為……If you ask me, S. + V.

7.我可能是錯的,但是……I could be wrong, but . . .  

8.我不想告訴你,……I hate to tell you that + S. + V.

9.我了解你說的,但是……I see what you’re saying, but . . .

10.可以肯定的是,……It’s safe to say (that) + S. + V.



1.我不知道……I don’t know . . .

2.我認為……不……;我不認為……I don’t think (that) + S. + V.

3.我不介意……I don’t mind + N./V-ing / wh-疑問詞 + S. + V.

4.我無法忍受……;我受不了…… I can’t stand + N./V-ing / to V.

5.我不會讓……I won’t let + O. + V.

6.我不敢……I dare not V.  

7.……都沒關係。It doesn’t matter + wh-疑問詞+ S. + V. / that + S. + V.

8.……是不可能的。It is impossible to V.

9.無法……There is no + V-ing



1.我願意……I’m willing to V.

2.我想……I wish to V.

3.我決心要……I’m determined to V.

4.我永遠不會拒絕……I’ll never say no + to N./V-ing

5.我比較喜歡……勝於……I prefer + N./V-ing + to/over N./V-ing

6.我寧可……I’d rather V.

7.我不得不……I have no choice but to V.



1.多麼、好……!How + adj./adv. (+ S. + V.)!

2.我……很開心。I had a great time + V-ing

3.我很期待……I’m looking forward + to N./V-ing

4.我厭倦了……I’m tired + of N./V-ing

5.我擔心……I’m worried + about N./V-ing / that + S. + V.

6.我很遺憾聽到……I’m sorry to hear that + S. + V.

7.……真是令人遺憾。It’s a shame + to V. / that + S. + V.

8.……,我真的很難過。It breaks my heart + to V. / that + S. + V.



1.我可以向你請教……嗎?Can I ask for your advice + about/on . . . ?

2.對於……,你有什麼看法嗎?Do you have any opinions + about/on . . . ?

3.關於……,你的看法如何?What’s your opinion + about/on . . . ?


I’d like (to hear) your opinion/view + about/on . . .

5.你覺得……怎麼樣呢?What do you think + of/about N./V-ing?

6.你覺得……怎麼樣?How do you like + N./V-ing?    

7.你認為我應該……嗎?Do you think (that) I should V.?

8.你是否同意(我說)……?Would you agree (with me) that + S. + V.?

9.要是……怎麼辦?What if + S. + V./V-ed?



1.請幫我……Please help me + V. / with N./V-ing

2.你可以幫我……嗎?Could you do me a favor and V.?

3.你有空……嗎?Do you have a second to V.?

4.可以麻煩你幫我……嗎?Would you please + V. + for me?

5.如果你不介意的話……If you don’t mind, . . . 

6.你有可能……嗎?Is it possible for you to V.?

7.要是你……,我會很感激。I would really appreciate it if you + V-ed

8.如果不麻煩的話,你可以……嗎?If it’s no trouble, could you V.?

9.我不確定要怎麼……I’m not sure how to V.



1.我可以……嗎?Can/Could I + V., please?

2.我可以……嗎?May I + V., please?  

3.請容我、請讓我……Please allow me to V.

4.你能允許我……嗎?Will you permit me to V.?

5.我有機會……嗎?Will I get a chance to V.?

6.你介意……嗎?Would you mind + if + S. + V-ed? / Do you mind + if + S. + V.?



1.我想知道……I wonder + wh-疑問詞/if/whether + S. + V.

2.你可以告訴我……在哪裡嗎?Could you tell me where + S. + V.?

3.我要怎麼從這裡到……?How can I get to + N. (from here)?

4.……有多少?How much (+ N.) + be + S. / 助動詞 + S. + V.?

5.……有另外收費嗎?Is there an extra charge + for N./V-ing?

6.你們有賣……嗎?Do you have/carry/sell/stock + N.?

7.你能不能提供……?Do you by any chance offer + N.?

8.多久……一次?How often + 助動詞 + S. + V.?

9.……要花多久的時間?How long will it take to V.?

10.你將要……,不是嗎?You are going to V., aren’t you?



1.由於、因為……Because of + N./V-ing, S. + V.

2.也許這是因為……Perhaps this is due to + N./V-ing

3.因為……It’s because + S. + V.

4.……全都是因為…… It’s all because of + N./V-ing + that + S. + V.

5.……的原因是……The reason for + N./V-ing + is that + S. + V.

6.那就是……的原因。That’s why + S. + V.

7.如此……(以致於……)so + adj./adv. + that + S. + V.

8.如此……(以致於……)such + a(n) + adj. + N.(單數可數) / adj. + N.(複數/不可數) + that + S. + V.



1.據說……It is said that + S. + V.

2.是時候……了。It’s time + for N. / to V. / that + S. + V-ed

4.……很有可能……It is likely that + S. + V.

5.難怪……(It is) no wonder (that) + S. + V.

6.結果、原來……It turns out that + S. + V.    



1.我們只需要……就可以。All we have to do is V.  

2.一……就……As soon as + S. + V., S. + V.

3.雖然……,但……Although/Though + S. + V., S. + V.

4.一定要……Be sure to V.     

5.無論……No matter + wh- 疑問詞 + S. + V., . . .  

6.不需要、沒有必要……There is no need + for N./V-ing / (for sb) to V.

7.如果是那樣的話,那……If that’s the case, then + S. + V.   

8.太……而無法……too + adj./adv. + (for sb/sth) to V.


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