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Absolutely!/Truly!/You can say that again.







That’ll do!/Sure./Yeah, no sweat./You got it.












Chapter 1 One step at a time

1-1 Anytime.

1-2 Anyway./Anyhow.

1-3 Bingo!

1-4 Darn!

1-5 Definitely!

1-6 Duh!

1-7 Great!

1-8 Incredible!

1-9 Indeed!

1-10 Likewise.

1-11 Listen!

1-12 Look!

1-13 No.

1-14 OK? / OK.

1-15 Or . . .

1-16 Positive!

1-17 Really?

1-18 Right?

1-19 Satisfied?

1-20 See?

1-21 Seriously? 

1-22 So? / So what?

1-23 Sorry. / I’m sorry.

1-24 Sure.

1-25 Sweet!

1-26 Unbelievable!


Chapter 2 Two heads are better than one

2-1 About/For/With what?

2-2 Another time/day.

2-3 Anybody here? / Anybody home?

2-4 Anything else? / Anything more?

2-5 By coincidence

2-6 Cheer up!

2-7 Come, come.

2-8 Even better!

2-9 Excuse me.

2-10 Forget it!

2-11 Good luck!

2-12 Guess what?

2-13 Help yourself!

2-14 I bet. / I’ll bet.

2-15 Hang on!

2-16 No/Not kidding!

2-17 Not again!

2-18 Will do. / That’ll do!


Chapter 3 Three squares a day

3-1 Can’t or won’t?

3-2 Sb. won’t bite.

3-3 That’s a first!

3-4 That’s highway robbery!

3-5 That’s/It’s not true!

3-6 Works for me!

3-7 There (you are)!

3-8 You’re the man!


Chapter 4 Four corners of the earth

4-1 Have a good one!

4-2 I’m counting on it.

4-3 He’s not worth it.

4-4 How’s life with you?

4-5 It won’t happen again.

4-6 It works every time.

4-7 Nothing to boast about.

4-8 Not to my knowledge.

4-9 That’s/It’s always the way.

4-10 The feeling is mutual.

4-11 We’re not there yet.


Chapter 5 Five fingers are not equal

5-1 A little bird told me.

5-2 A promise is a promise.

5-3 All’s well that ends well.

5-4 Can you bend the rules?

5-5 Come to think of it.

5-6 Do I make myself clear?

5-7 Don’t get your hopes up!

5-8 Don’t give it another thought.

5-9 Don’t take it so hard!

5-10 He was hard on me.

5-11 I’m at my wits’ end.

5-12 I’m not made of money.

5-13 I can’t believe my ears/ eyes.

5-14 I can’t take it anymore!

5-15 I don’t buy your story.

5-16 I don’t have all day. 

5-17 I don’t see why not.

5-18 I have been there (before).

5-19 I’ve seen it (all) before.

5-20 I know what I’m doing.

5-21 I know you mean well.

5-22 I see what you mean.

5-23 I’ll keep it to myself.

5-24 I’ll take care of it.

5-25 I wouldn’t/don’t bet on it!

5-26 If you feel that way.

5-27 It could happen to you.

5-28 It goes down the drain.

5-29 It’s a matter of opinion.

5-30 (It’s a) piece of cake!

5-31 It’s all Greek to me.

5-32 It’s dogged as does it.

5-33 It’s early in the day.

5-34 It’s/That’s not what I’m saying.

5-35 It’s not in my wheelhouse.

5-36 It’s out of this world!

5-37 It’s totally over my head.

5-38 It makes my mouth water.

5-39 It might come in handy.

5-40 It/That really got to me!

5-41 It won’t break the bank.

5-42 Just do what you can!

5-43 Leave me out of it.

5-44 Let me sleep on it.

5-45 Let me get/say this straight.

5-46 Let’s call it a day.

5-47 Let’s paint the town red!

5-48 Look on the bright side!

5-49 No two ways about it.

5-50 Not that I know of! 

5-51 Not in so many words.

5-52 One thing leads to another.

5-53 Out of respect for sb.

5-54 Sb. has (got) a long face.

5-55 Sb. is hitting on you.

5-56 Sb. wouldn’t hurt a fly.

5-57 That’s par for the course.

5-58 That’s the way it is/goes.

5-59 The sky is the limit.

5-60 There’s always someone above us.

5-61 There must be a catch!

5-62 Things will work out fine.

5-63 This calls for a celebration!

5-64 Today is not my day!

5-65 We’re on the same wavelength.

5-66 We’ll talk about this later.

5-67 What are you getting at?

5-68 What are you playing at?

5-69 What are you up to?

5-70 What do you call this?

5-71 What goes around comes around.

5-72 What took you so long?

5-73 You can say that again!

5-74 You could have fooled me.

5-75 You’ve got me all wrong!

5-76 You owe me an apology.

5-77 You’ll get your money’s worth.

5-78 Your explanation is wearing thin.


Chapter 6 Six ways to Sunday

6-1 Don’t be too/ so hard on yourself.

6-2 Do you have any second thoughts?

6-3 Don’t make a fool of yourself!

6-4 Don’t take me for a fool!

6-5 (Do you) see what I’m saying?

6-6 He has close ties with her.

6-7 I’m fed up with her nagging.

6-8 I can’t say much for it.

6-9 I can’t take all the credit.

6-10 I don’t think much of it.

6-11 I don’t think that at all.

6-12 I just mentioned it in passing.

6-13 I know where the shoe pinches.

6-14 I’ll be the judge of that.

6-15 Ill make it up to you.

6-16 Ill see what I can do.

6-17 I wouldn’t put it past him.

6-18 If my memory serves me right/correctly,

6-19 Is that the way you think?

6-20 It’s a sore point with him.

6-21 (It’s) all in a day’s work.

6-22 It’s written all over your face.

6-23 It does more harm than good.

6-24 It’s not my cup of tea.

6-25 It’s too good to be true!

6-26 It means a lot to me.

6-27 May all your wishes come true!

6-28 Sb. is a busybody by nature.

6-29 That’s all there is to it.

6-30 That’s easy for you to say!

6-31 The joke was lost on her.

6-32 There’s no time like the present!

6-33 (There’s) nothing to be ashamed of!

6-34 There’s something in what you said.

6-35 This movie was a big hit.

6-36 To make a long story short

6-37 We have a lot in common.

6-38 What do you mean by that?

6-39 What do you say to it?

6-40 Where did you get that idea?

6-41 With (all due) respect (to you)

6-42 You always get me into trouble.

6-43 You’re a match made in heaven.

6-44 You’re barking up the wrong tree!

6-45 You’re making a fool of yourself.

6-46 You’re shooting yourself in the foot.

6-47 You can do what you want.

6-48 You can’t have it both ways.

6-49 You can’t show bias to anyone.

6-50 You can’t take it with you.

6-51 You can’t go wrong with him.

6-52 You don’t have to do that.

6-53 You(’ve) got to be kidding me!

6-54 You have a problem with me?

6-55 You’ve come to the right person.

6-56 You let me worry about it!

6-57 You should move with the times.

6-58 You win some; you lose some

6-59 You’d do the same for me.


Chapter 7 Seven year itch

7-1 Can you let me off (the hook)?

7-2 Do you have a thing for her?

7-3 How did you come up with this?

7-4 I’m at the end of my rope.

7-5 I’m just telling it like it is.

7-6 I’m speaking with the voice of experience.

7-7 I can do it in my sleep.

7-8 I can see it in your eyes.

7-9 I can’t do a thing about it.

7-10 I couldn’t have put it better myself.

7-11 I don’t want to put you out.

7-12 I’ve waited a long time for this!

7-13 I know where (or when) to draw the line.

7-14 I think that’s politics at its worst.

7-15 I’ll take each day as it comes.

7-16 I won’t take no for an answer!

7-17 It happens to the best of us.

7-18 It’s like talking to a brick wall.

7-19 It’s too close to call right now.

7-20 It might be a blessing in disguise.

7-21 (I’ll) Let you be the judge of that!

7-22 One man’s meat is another man’s poison.

7-23 Sb. can breathe a sigh of relief.

7-24 Sb. often treated my words like nothing.

7-25 The ball is in your court now!

7-26 The outsider sees more of the game.

7-27 This issue is nothing to sneeze at.

7-28 You always rub someone the wrong way.

7-29 Just take the bull by the horns!

7-30 You should take it as it comes.

7-31 You’ll thank me for it one day.

7-32 Your guess is as good as mine!


Chapter 8 Behind the eight ball

8-1 All good things (will) come to an end.

8-2 He never says a good word about me.

8-3 I have (got) to hand it to you.

8-4 I really don’t know which way to go.

8-5 I think he blows/gets things out of proportion.

8-6 I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt.

8-7 It can’t be mentioned in the same breath!

8-8 It takes all kinds to make a world.

8-9 (Something) will not put food on the table.

8-10 The higher you climb, the harder you fall.

8-11 There’s no need to do things on impulse.

8-12 There’s no such thing as a free lunch.

8-13 You’re only too eager to get things done.

8-14 You can’t have a foot in both camps.

8-15 You’d better turn a blind eye to it.

8-16 You should get out/quit while you’re (still) ahead!


Chapter 9 On cloud nine

9-1 His words should never be taken at face value.

9-2 I’m sorry to put you to so much trouble.

9-3 I’ve been running around like a headless chicken lately.

9-4 I know which side my bread is buttered (on).

9-5 I wouldn’t be seen/caught dead asking her for help.

9-6 It’s not every day that we (could) have this.

9-7 It is not all it’s cracked up to be.

9-8 What you just said threw me for a loop.

9-9 You took the words (right) out of my mouth.

9-10 You should put your money where your mouth is.


Chapter 10 Perfect ten

10-1 (It always goes) in one ear and out the other.

10-2 Sb. can dish it out but he can’t take it.

10-3 Should I give him a taste/ dose of his own medicine?

10-4 What would you do if you were in my situation?

10-5 You can count them on (the fingers of) one hand.

10-6 You don’t need to go too far with this issue.

10-7 You will not eat me out of house and home.


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【LiveABC互動英語教學集團 數位語言學習第一品牌】

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