Hydration App: Water Tracker

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Do you want a good-looking and easy-to-use hydro coach? Then this hydration app is definitely for you! Let this android app be your ultimate water tracker.

How this app can help you?

🤗 Improve your skin health and beauty
Drinking enough water is essential for skin moisturizing and preserving its elasticity and overall appearance. People who consume enough amount of water are less likely to suffer from wrinkles, scars and sagging skin. Also, it helps to fight inflammation, skin redness & remove toxins. It makes skin clean, glowing and attractive. It helps to look good without cosmetics & other beauty products. Overall, scientific studies suggest a strong connection between moisturizing and skin health.

⚡Have more energy
Keeping a good water balance helps your organism to function better. The reason a lot of people feel sleepy during the day is dehydration. Good water intake helps to fight fatigue and constant tiredness.

💪Improve your fitness goals
Drinking is essential for normal joints and muscles functionality. Human body needs electrolytes to effectively recover from the workout. Several studies show that dehydration leads to lower athletic performance. Drink water and hit the gym safe and effective!


Water time! Keep a good water balance by getting notifications when its time to fill your water bottle. Keep you skin hydration and overall organism in good shape. Stay attractive even without beauty products!

Keep everything logged. Use daily drink counter to track your water intake and learn to drink more water.

Do you need an additional motivation? We added some soft-pushing daily quotes, which will make your hydration app experience more engaging. More motivation - more hydration to help you with skincare!

Need more than just daily water reminder? Use calendar view of your water intake tracker! See your drinking progress through weeks & months.

We are striving to make our water app as deep-thought as possible. And we know that everybody is unique. Use our build-in drink calculator & get to know your ideal daily water intake.

So, do you want to your skin to look shiny without glitter or eyeshadows? Or just have a pure & youthful skin? Or increase your weightlifting performance?

It's essential to feel good. This app helps with that.
It helps with skin health. And skincare.
It helps to fight fatigue and constant tiredness.
It helps you with daily motivational quotes.
It keeps everything about your progress logged in useful calendar. With daily, weekly and mothly view.

Click download!
Contact email, if you have any questions: help@appear.digital
Oxirgi yangilanish
23-may, 2024

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