Piano +

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777 ming ta sharh
50 mln+
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Are you finding a virtual piano?
Are you interested in a piano practice app with songs?
Do you want to explore a new perfect piano app for free?

Let’s take a look at our Pianist HD piano + to find out more

With more than 50.000.000 downloads, what will our wonderful piano application give you?
- [Exclusive] Unlock 4 free themes for USA users and all countries speak English
- MIDI keyboard recording - Creating your own MIDI files and sharing them to PianistHD players' community
- Easily create your own melody or learn piano along with available songs
- Enjoying huge music library with lots of Classical piano songs, Kids song collection, pop, anime songs,…
- "Daily Challenge" - Challenge yourself with +38.000 active users around the world

What else will you have?
- Piano 88 keys
- Lots of high-quality sounds to explore
- Attractive interface inspiring a pianist inside you
- Piano with letters on the keys
- Customize piano keyboard size - easier to tap for user around the world
- Multi musical instrument: Grand Piano, Digital Piano, Guitar, Viola, Music Box,...
- Single-row mode; Double-row mode; Dual players; Solo mode; Performance mode.

Try out our amazing Piano app for free and become a pianist master.
Play for free!

We love to listen to your feedback. Please drop us a message at support.pianist@rubycell.com.If you like this app, a positive rating or review would be a great support for us.

Clarification for Access Permissions:
- Storage including Write and Read external storage is for creating and storing downloaded data
- Phone State Access helps us distinguish users' transactions and manage Ruby numbers. We can assure this request is completely reliable and strictly conforms to Google Play's policy.
Oxirgi yangilanish
14-fev, 2024

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Nima yangiliklar

- UX system editing
- Edit theme system
- Make the External Keyboard feature easier to understand
- Edit song randomization system