Bass Guitar Note Trainer

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Bass Guitar Note Trainer will help you to learn the 4-string, 5-string and 6-string bass guitar fretboard notes, in different conventional naming and staff notation. This app provides all you need to meet this goal, in an intuitive and flexible way, such as visualization, listening, practice including with a real instrument, sight-reading, gaming, training ear and finger memory. It is useful as for beginners, so for those who already have basic skills and want to make them perfect.
The tuning of the bass guitar simulator can be customized to range from C (subcontra octave) to B (2 line octave) with different sounds (clean, acoustic, contrabass).

Bass Guitar Note Trainer has 6 modes:
★ Note Explorer
★ Note Trainer
★ Note Practicum
★ Note Game
★ Note Tuner
★ Note Theory

EXPLORER MODE displays/hides notes on the fretboard or on its diagram, using various user-adjustable filters and highlighting, and also allows you to choose the explorer action for touching notes on the fretboard of the bass guitar simulator.

TRAINER MODE includes the following features:
★ Customizable trainer profile that defines the area and the notes on fretboard you would like to focus on
★ Trainer can generate 9 types of questions that covers all the possibilities of identifying notes
★ Full statistics tracking for each note and totals for trainer profile
★ Creating new trainer profile by trouble spots in the statistics

PRACTICUM MODE allows recognizing requested notes of a real instrument (also it can be set in auto-answering mode). Thus, you train both, note recollection and finger memory.
The practicum mode includes the following features:
★ Customizable practicum profile that defines the area and the notes on fretboard you would like to focus on
★ Practicum can generate 7 types of questions that cover all the possibilities of identifying notes for this mode
★ Full statistics tracking for each note and totals for practicum profile
★ Creating new practicum profile by trouble spots in the statistics
IMPORTANT: To use this mode, for recognition of the notes of the real instrument, you need to enable the permission of microphone access.

GAME MODE offers a more efficient way of verifying the knowledge and learning the notes on the bass guitar fretboard by playing and having fun.

TUNER MODE is a bass guitar tuner (16-1017 Hz) that displays on the fretboard all the positions of the recognized note of the real instrument, frequency and its staff notation.

THEORY MODE includes the basic theory of musical notes and some useful charts and hints for learning the notes on the fretboard.

By using the application for a few minutes each day, it is possible quickly to learn all the notes (in any notation) on the bass guitar fretboard.
Oxirgi yangilanish
27-avg, 2024

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* Important improvements
- Bug fixes

+ Added the optional Silent mode (all the sounds of the app are muted) for Note Trainer, Note Game and Note Explorer
+ Added the option of showing the staff note in Note Tuner
+ Added settable answers timeouts in Note Game
+ Added Italian and Romanian languages
+ Dark and Light screen themes support
* Important improvements
- Bug fixes