Doodle Art: Magic Drawing App

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It's never been easier to create wonders! With Doodle Art: Magic Drawing App, you can create cool doodles rich in color and style. Create magic with this quick drawing game and make some glowing doodle art to keep and share with the world! Install Doodle Art: Magic Drawing App today!

This doodle drawing app allows you to choose from over 200 colors and 20 different brushes to create cool mandala doodle, simple doodle or extraordinary doodle art! You can even create your own color and use 8 different spirograph designs to turn your doodle art into magic drawing. Quick drawing games like Doodle Art: Magic Drawing App offer endless possibilities. It's never been easier to create a cool mandala doodle! This magic drawing game allows you to use simple doodle moves on your canvas and create wonders with your doodle drawing game and spirograph art designs! Start doodling now!


- Create doodle art on canvas
- 8 kinds of spirograph designs
- 20 BRUSHES for your magic doodling
- 22 COLOR PALETTES + create your own color
- Amazing, glowing colors for quick drawing
- GALLERY – you can save all your magical doodle art in one place
- Undo – Redo option
- Set your cool doodle drawing as wallpaper
- SHARE on Facebook, Instagram and more
- Explore the categories: Cool Mix, Easter, Halloween, Kawaii, Christmas, Valentine's Day and Women's Day

This magic drawing game is one of those fun drawing apps where you can literally make art while having fun. Simple doodling in this quick draw game will also help you to learn to draw many things you haven't even thought you could draw. Simple doodle designs will be perfect when you start playing this drawing game. Once you learn to draw different shapes and fit your simple doodles into more complex ones, your doodle designs will become so amazing you'll want to share them with the whole world. Play Doodle Art: Magic Drawing App, join millions who are making art in this kind of drawing games and create some magic!
Have fun!
Oxirgi yangilanish
27-fev, 2024

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