ZIN: Block Puzzle Match 3 Game

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1 ming+
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Connect blocks of the same color vertically, horizontally, or diagonally and blast them all. This is what this addictive match 3 puzzle game is all about.
ZIN is an addictive block puzzle game for Android that features an easy to learn gameplay with endless challenges. In this free match three puzzle game, you need to move the block into a 4x4 grid and your objective is to crush and blast as many matching color blocks as possible.

► Give Zin a try now and jump up on the leaderboard: It’s time to enjoy some competitions. Download ZIN for free on your Android device and have fun matching and blasting cubes of the same color.

► Feels like an easy block puzzle game? Let’s add more colors! This free match 3 puzzle game offers an endless gameplay where you can keep matching blocks and cubes until there is no empty space on the grid. As you progress in this block puzzle game and blast more cubes, you will have to deal with more colors and more complex challenges.

★ ZIN main features at a glance:
• Clean and neat design with a fresh and intuitive interface
• High-quality 3D graphics with cool sound effects and smooth animations
• Endless match 3 puzzle game to connect cubes of the same color
• Fun for all ages
• Free block puzzle game

Will you be able to get onto the leaderboard?

Download ZIN, the free match 3 puzzle game on your Android phone or tablet and let us know about any bugs, questions, feature requests, or any other suggestions.
Oxirgi yangilanish
16-sen, 2022

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