SL Fit Club: Home/Gym Workouts

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Get moving with Stephanie and the SL Fit Club! SL Fit Club is a fitness community curated by Stephanie Lauer with the goal to support you throughout your wellness journey. This affordable subscription-based app allows you to choose from a variety of workouts to suit your needs. Home and Gym options.

Stephanie has years of experience in personal training and working out in the gym. What inspired her to create this app was the many men and women she spoke with about their ‘gym anxiety’. Her goal is to create easy to follow along gym workouts and an alternative to physically going to the gym by utilizing home workouts and to also support you through your wellness journey. Whether your goals are to lose weight, tone, gain muscle, or have a healthier lifestyle. There will be something for everyone.

This app features a group aspect that fosters support and confidence through shared experiences. You’ll have access
to an exclusive global communication of people on their health and wellness journey just like you. Share your progress/transformation. Ask questions and talk about concerns with a platform of like-minded individuals.
Get your questions answered. Get the help you need!

Uploads of new workouts so you will never get bored with the same content. This platform features both single classes and different programs allowing you to target certain body areas as well as workout durations to fit into your schedule.

- Choose your workout length
- Built-in rest time, sets, and rep feature
- Track your weight
- Track your progress with photos
- Integrates with Apple health
- Multiple workout styles (home, gym, body weight, HIIT)
- Ability to interact with other SL Fit Club members
- 7 Day FREE Trial!
Oxirgi yangilanish
29-iyl, 2024

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