These frontal structures are known to be highly productive, supporting the whole spectrum of marine life. Ocean fronts are dynamic in time and space, and are a ...
Zig-zag wanderer: Towards adaptive tracking of time-varying coherent structures in the ocean. by Dhanushka Kularatne. 2015, 2015 IEEE International Conference ...
Abstract—Similar to the atmosphere, coherent structures,. e.g., fronts, exist in the ocean. These frontal structures are known to be highly productive, ...
These frontal structures are known to be highly productive, supporting the whole spectrum of marine life. Ocean fronts are dynamic in time and space, and are a ...
2017. Zig-zag wanderer: Towards adaptive tracking of time-varying coherent structures in the ocean. D Kularatne, RN Smith, MA Hsieh. 2015 IEEE International ...
2024/08/20 · Synthesis of a Time-Varying Communication ... Zig-zag wanderer: Towards adaptive tracking of time-varying coherent structures in the ocean.
2024/04/25 · Zig-zag wanderer: Towards adaptive tracking of time-varying coherent structures in the ocean. ICRA 2015: 3253-3258. [c2]. view. electronic ...
Zig-zag wanderer: Towards adaptive tracking of time-varying coherent structures in the ocean · D. KularatneRyan N. SmithM. A. Hsieh. Environmental Science. 2015 ...
“Zig-Zag Wanderer: Towards Adaptive Tracking of Time-Varying Coherent Structures in the Ocean,” in the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
... Ocean Processes Based on Predictions from a Regional Ocean ... Zig-Zag Wanderer: Towards Adaptive Tracking of Time-Varying Coherent Structures in the Ocean.