We found that initial skilling is more of an issue than deskilling after long periods of driving inactivity.
We found that initial skilling is more of an issue than deskilling after long periods of driving inactivity, i.e., while once learned driving skills seem to ...
We found that initial skilling is more of an issue than deskilling after long periods of inactively driving.
2016/10/26 · deskilling, i.e., how do driving skills (perceptual-motor and safety skills) change with regard to periods of non-driving and driving ...
You Never Forget How to Drive: Driver Skilling and Deskilling in the Advent of Autonomous Vehicles. Sandra Trösterer, Magdalena Gärtner, Alexander G. Mirnig ...
2008. You never forget how to drive: driver skilling and deskilling in the advent of autonomous vehicles. S Trösterer, M Gärtner, A Mirnig, A Meschtscherjakov ...
You never forget how to drive: Driver skilling and deskilling in the advent of autonomous vehicles. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on ...
You Never Forget How to Drive: Driver Skilling and Deskilling in the Advent of Autonomous Vehicles. S Trösterer, M Gärtner, A Mirnig, A Meschtscherjakov, R ...
The aim of this presentation is to define the skills necessary to control the driving of an autonomous vehicle; skills needed to tackle the errors and ...
Engel, “You Never Forget How to Drive: Driver Skilling and Deskilling in the Advent of Autonomous Vehicles”, in Proceedings of the 8th International ...