2013/09/13 · This article reports on mass experiments sup- porting the idea that data extracted from strongly comparable corpora may successfully.
This article reports on mass experiments supporting the idea that data extracted from strongly comparable corpora may successfully be used to build ...
This article reports on mass experiments sup porting the idea that data extracted from strongly comparable corpora may successfully be used to build ...
Researchr is a web site for finding, collecting, sharing, and reviewing scientific publications, for researchers by researchers. Sign up for an account to ...
Abstract. The article presents experiments on mining Wikipedia for extracting SMT useful sentence pairs in three language pairs. Each extracted.
In this work we will focus on the integration of a word list extracted from Wikipedia into an SMT system. ... cessing as for the parallel training corpus of the ...
Wikipedia as an SMT Training Corpus. Tufis, Dan and Ion, Radu and Dumitrescu, Stefan and Stefanescu, Dan. Proceedings of the International Conference Recent ...
The article presents experiments on mining Wikipedia for extracting SMT useful sentence pairs in three language pairs. Each extracted sentence pair is ...
They evaluate the extracted corpus by using it as training data for an SMT system. A similar approach is presented in (Abdul Rauf and Schwenk, 2011), with ...
Abstract. We propose the framework of a Machine Translation (MT) bootstrapping method by using multilingual Wikipedia articles. This novel method can ...